Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Study 1: 1 John 1 and 2

Read 1 John 1 and 2 quickly together.

How does John describe Jesus?
What does the passage say about Jesus?
What does knowing Christ bring?
Later in this letter 1 John 5:6-13, John describes how Jesus Christ came by the water and the blood. What do you think he means?
I John begins with the need to testify about what he has experienced.
If your friend asks you about Jesus, what would you say?

Fun challenge: Explain the gospel in a minute.

Word studies
Which words are unclear? How would you explain them to someone else? For example: sin, appropriation, advocate, commandment. How are these words used in 1 John 1, 2.

Manuscript bible study-Contrasts
Colour these contrasts
light and dark
truth and lie/deceive
love and hate
Summarize how the passage contrasts these ideas.
How could we apply these to our lives. For example: What does the passage say about walking in the light and in the darkness? How would we do it?

Esther ex Wellington OCFer gives pitfalls to avoid, pros and cons and how to prepare a manuscript bible study.

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