Observe -> Interpret -> Apply Method
A quick introduction to the OIA method
Observe: Using mindmaps
*Create a mindmap of the ideas and themes in this passage, showing the links and highlighting the key themes. Here is an example of a mindmap of 1John 2
Taken from
Interpret: Big Idea Challenge
*Use post it notes to record the big ideas and put it on a poster.
*Sum up what you've learnt as a #twitter post in less than 140 characters.
*How can the principle of "prefect love drives out fear" help you overcome your fears?
*How does the Cain and Abel story illustrate the 2 basic categories of humanity?
*Why is Christ's death on the cross the supreme example of love?
*How have you and those in church sought to love those with material needs?
* In what practical ways might we lay down our lives for each other?
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