Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Study 5: A close analysis of Ecclesiastes chapter 12

Listen to chapter 12 together as a group in a few versions.

Read the chapter again in small groups
What are the key ideas in this chapter?
How does the picture language add to the your understanding of the chapter?
For example how would you describe old age and how does chapter 12 describe old age?
What strikes you about the chapter?
What questions do you have?
How would you apply this chapter to your life?

1. Life missions

Contrast the quest and challenge in this clip with the ending of Ecclesiastes.
"Now all has been heard.
    Let us hear the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
    for this is the whole duty of man.
14 For God will bring every deed into judgment,
    including every secret thing,
    whether good or evil."
What is the difference between the two approaches to life and how would the different attitudes unfold in a person's life? 

2) Waiting for the right time 
As a group, consider this scenario:
"I am still young. There are many things I still want to do. When I am old, just before I die I will accept Christ and go to heaven."

Using what you have learnt from Ecclesiastes, what questions would you ask this person?
What would you share?

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