Monday, June 1, 2015

Study 4: I am the Bread of Life

Survival John 6.
Aim: To explore the importance of context and word studies in bible study.
1) You may like to use this video as an introduction to the study.
2) Do the study using the guide Lesson 1.
3) Going deeper
Context: Make sure you get everyone to read the whole of John 6 this time. How does the first part and last part of John 6 help you understand Jesus teachings better. Does Jesus water down his message in order to retain the crowds?
Word Study: What does the word “believe” mean?
This is a key concept in the book of John because his aim for writing is so that people will “believe”. What do people think believe means and how does this teaching of Jesus divide those who believe from those who don’t. Does it mean mentally thinking Jesus is God or does it mean more for the disciples?

If you are interested in exploring the word more this is interesting and clear.
Here is a summary of the key lessons from John 6
Warning: These websites may contain other articles that are not as sound or good. 

Adaptations by student leaders
Queenie and Charissa bought loaves of bread and each group was give different material to act out different parts of John 6. Many groups put sunglasses on the loaf of bread and had the bread speaking as Jesus. This idea was surprisingly effective in stressing that Jesus is the bread of life rather than the giver of bread. In the OT, God was the provider of food ie Manna, Jesus says he is the bread of life and today, bread reminds our group of Christ.

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